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The dances which we perform are separated into three groups, Standard, Latin and Classical.  Dances marked with an asterik (*) are dances which many club members have learned, but do not currently practice. 

Modern sequence ballroom dances use steps that are associated with international style, standard ballroom dancing.  The dance partners do not separate while performing these dances.

Modern Sequence Ballroom Dance List
Slow Waltz Slow Foxtrot Quickstep Tango
Catherine Fragrance Chandella Daytona
Emmerdale Jessica Golden Debonnaire
Engagement Karen Jomar Italia
October Lady Bower Kalhalla Serida
Oriana Maple Quando Torque
Pendle Sefton Roana * Lancaster *
Wenlock Four Winds *   Square*
Woodside Melody *    
Magnolia *      


Latin dances represent the five dances used in international styles plus some popular rhythm dances which have latin american origins.   

Latin Sequence Dances
RUMBA Beguine, Devine, Rumba One, Queen of Hearts, Rosalie, Silverdale, Deargo *, Ravelle *, Rio *Royal *
CHA CHA Jacqueline, Niki, Qu'in Aide, Sarah's, Sally Ann, Torino, Casbah, Nicky Noo*, Cha Cha 39 *
JIVE Coca Rola, Jackpot, Jollery, Let's Jive, Susie, Valentino, Belleville (Jubilee?) *, Edinburgh Rock*,
SAMBA Helena, Miranda, Shadow, Sitelle, Studio, Katrina *
MAMBO Hey Mambo, Maestro, Magic, Pain,
BOSSA NOVA Bella, Blues, Brazil, Bramble, Blighty *
SALSA Sweet Bay *, Apple *
PASO DOBLE Viva*, Deena *


In Classical sequence ballroom dances, the dancers will separate from their partners to perform specific moves, not unlike movements found in American Smooth ballroom routines.  Classical dances include some older styles of dancing such as the Saunter, Swing and Blues.  Some classical style 'Old Time Waltzes' are danced at a faster tempo than the modern slow waltz.  New Vogue waltzes fall into this category and are danced at speeds which are closer to the Viennese Waltz. 

Classical Sequence Dances
Blues Balmoral, Baltimore, Boyden, Cheney, Harvest Time.
Swings 42nd Street, Bluebell, Dalton, Glyngarry*, Saffron, Sindy, Sycamore
Slow Waltz Emmerdale
Old Time Waltz Viennese Swing, Pride of Erin *, Veleta*, Lilac *
Quickstep Mayfair, Flirtation *
Saunter Adele, Centenary, Danielle, Red Rose, Showboat, Together
Tango Daytona, Serida, Square *
Polka Fiona (Heel & Toe) *
Ethnic Scotch Mist *, Gay Gordon *
Other Four Hand Star *, Carribean Calypso *, Boston Two Step *