A Sequence Dance consists of a prearranged order of steps that are repeated during the dance. The dance is choreographed. A "Line Dance" is a sequence dance where each individual performs the same sequence of steps, ending with the same position and orientation on the dance floor as when they started the sequence. When couples 'Sequence Dance', they dance together, moving around the dance floor, counter-clockwise, in a large circle. The dancing has a very smooth and professional flow because both partners know what to expect next and (normally) all dancers are dancing the same sequence.
The steps in a Sequence Dance are usually completed in sixteen musical bars. The sequence repeats throughout the dance, or, the dancing couple might switch to different sequences during the dance. Each sequence is given a name. For example, the names of some common Rhumba sequences are
'Number One', 'Beguine', 'Diago', 'Queen of Hearts' (in honour of Princess Dianna), and 'Rosalie'. More than 3,500 sequence dance scripts have been published. Fortunately, for the beginner, a small selection of these dances have become very popular and are performed at most sequence dance clubs in Canada, and in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries.
Although one can learn the dance sequences by following the scripts (with the help of a qualified dance instructor), learning new dances will be much easier if the couple has mastered the basics of standard and latin ballroom dancing. Most modern sequence dances are based upon international style ballroom dancing movements and include steps that are at a more advanced level. Nonetheless, a couple who has mastered the basics will find it easy to pick up the new 'scripted' steps.
The list of dances that are scrolling by at the top of this web page demonstrates the variety of dance styles that are
available to sequence dancers. The navigation buttons will take you to pages
that list the specific dance routines used at our club and a list of the various dance tempos.
International ballroom dancing requires the male to lead his partner around the dance floor, and the lady is trained to follow. In sequence dancing, each partner knows which steps follow next.